Kitten adoption
Are you interested in a new furry friend? Then you've come to the right place!
Kočky jsou u nás právoplatnými členy domácnosti a koťátka vychováváme s láskou a náležitou péčí. Malá koťátka už od prvního dne socializujeme a zvykáme na lidský dotyk. Dbáme na to, aby z našich koťat vyrostly sebevědomé, nebojácné a hravé kočky. Naše koťata neodčervujeme „naslepo“, ale provádíme parazitologická vyšetření a případná léčbu cílíme na konkrétního střevního parazita. Pro podporu imunity a střevní mikroflóry přidáváme do krmiva doplněk ProBoost a probiotika.
Nejnovější informace a fotky najdete na našem Instagram and Facebook.
Kitten leaves us:
- fully socialised, litter-trained, sensitised to brushing and bathing
- at least 14 weeks old (according to FIFe rules valid from 1. 1. 2023)
- 2x vakcinované
- s kopií výsledků parazitologických vyšetření (místo odčervení)
- with identification microchip
- spayed/neutered
- with Pedigree issued by FIFe
- with contract
- with a copy of parents tests for genetic (HCM, PKD and more) and infectious diseases (FIV, FeLV)
- with a copy of parent's report from their latest heart scan
- with a 3 year guarantee for genetic and congenital defects
- with a 2 year guarantee for FIP. Breeder will return the purchase price in case of a positive diagnosis. Buyer is required to start treatment.
- with lifetime acces to consultations with Breeder regarding Fenrínar kittens
Kittens will become available for reservation when they're 9 weeks old, after their 1st vaccines. 2-3 kittens will be held back for evaluation for breeding. These kittens won't be available to reserve as pets but will stay with us or join another cattery. Ragdolls are slow bloomers and I need more time to evaluate their potential.
In person visit prior to reservation is possible. After the visit you'll have 48 hours to reserve a specif kitten and pay the reservation fee. In case the fee isn't payed within this time period the kitten will become available to other prospective kitten owners too. The reservation fee is non-refundable.